Sunday, June 13, 2010

Iaso Tea- Drink Your Way To a Sexier You

Iaso Tea- Drink Your Way To a Sexier You
Do you want to lose weight the healthy way? Then, you have to try Dr. Miller's Iaso Tea.
This tea can detoxify your digetive tract, cleanse your colon, eliminate worms and parasites, cleanse your blood, treat indigestion, remove toxins, and even eradicate gastro-intestinal distress. Additionally, it is known to be beneficial for your gall bladder, liver, lungs, and kidneys.
Since this organic tea can constructively impact your colon health, it is also advantageous for your entire body, particularly to your digestive system. When you begin to incorporate this organic tea into your diet, you can inhibit certain conditions like bloating, constipation, lung, kidney and liver health problems, candida, as well as acid reflux symptoms.
Iaso tea contains a specific blend of herbs that were used by most people before as a proficient colon cleanser, only to realize that it can also help them to lose weight the healthy way.

As the intestines and colon are cleansed naturally, your body begins to absorb nutrients more effectively. Simultaneously, you are getting rid of the toxins in your gall bladder, liver, lungs, and kidneys, thus they will function at their best.
You might be taking supplements and consuming organic foods, but you still feel frustrated and apprehensive because of your flabby stomach. You should understand that losing weight does not only requiire eliminating stubborn fats in your stomach, it also calls for intensive detoxification, which is possible with the help of Dr. Miller's Iaso tea.
Consuming this tea will remove chemicals, heavy metals, cancer cells, and other waste materials from your system, so the metabolism process will take place fighting fit. Additionally, through this refreshing, great tasting tea, you can save thousands of dollars, since you are guaranteed to see results in no time.

So how does Iaso tea assist you in losing weight?
The answer is simple. As the toxins are detached from your system over the months, your body will start to react beneficially because the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals from supplements and food will be able to nourish your body and reach each cell in your system. Due to this, you'll not feel false hunger signs, therefore, you'll eat less than what you normally consume each day.
Iaso tea is a complete body detoxifier and has a affirmative effect to your entire body. By removing parasites living in different body organs, which may result in several unexplainable health symptoms, your renewed health will eliminate the symtoms and leave you feeling renewed.
As a customer, you want to ensure that you will not waste both your time and money in a product that will not work for you, specifically when it come to products for losing weight. You'll be delighted to know that Tjotal Life Changes offers trial packs or free Iaso tea samples, wherein you can take advantage of a weeks supply, for only the cost of shipping.
Iaso Tea

Formulated by Dr. Miller, this delicious 100% organic herbal tea removes toxins and improves the function of your kidneys, liver, and colon — safely and naturally.

Some want to call it a "miracle tea", but this cleansing and slimming tea is really just a special blend of high-quality herbs, tested and refined over time, which produce fast and effective results that no imitator has been able to copy

This special blend of herbs allows IasoTea to act as a general health tonic and home remedy for common ailments. IasoTea provides your body with enzymes it needs for perfect colon health, which are often destroyed by modern food processing and pasteurization.

Persimmon Leaves:-
The tannins and flavonoids in Persimmon leaves are believed to have anti-hypertensive, anti-carcinogenic, and anti-mutagenic properties. Studies have shown that compounds in Persimmon leaves bind to excess fat and help remove fat from the body. The leaf also acts as a mild laxative, stops bleeding, is an effective remedy for hemorrhoids, and strengthens weak blood vessels such as spider veins or varicose veins. When taken orally, Persimmon acts as a natural antihistamine, which helps reduce allergic reactions. It can also relieve the symptoms of dermatitis.*

Holy Thistle
Holy Thistle has been used medicinally for over 2,000 years, most commonly for the treatment of liver and gallbladder disorders; but also for lactation problems, disorders of the spleen, psoriasis, and mushroom poisoning. A flavonoid in the fruit, called Silymarin, is a powerful antioxidant that may also protect the cells of the liver by blocking the entrance of harmful toxins and helping to remove toxins from the liver cells. Holy Thistle is believed to have great power in the purification and circulation of the blood, and can cure chronic headaches. It is also used for stomach and digestive problems, gas, and constipation relief. It strengthens the heart and is good for the lungs and kidneys. Holy Thistle is also said to be a good tonic for girls entering adulthood.*

Malva Leaves
The Malva, or Chinese Mallow, plant has been used to soothe the membranes of the digestive system. It can also soothe bronchial irritation in people with bronchitis or emphysema. Malva Leaf teas are used in the treatment of renal disorders, the retention of fluids, frequent thirst, and diarrhea. Malva Leaf has also been used to treat stomachache, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel, and conditions of the spleen.*

Marsh Mallow
The Marsh Mallow, or Marshmallow, was used by the ancient Greeks to remedy bruises and bleeding, and as a mild laxative. It was used in medieval Europe for indigestion and diarrhea. It is rich in calcium, zinc, iron, sodium, iodine, B complex vitamins, and pantothenic acid. Marsh Mallow root, and, to a lesser extent, Marsh Mallow leaf, both contain significant percentages of mucilage, a natural gummy substance that can relieve irritation and control coughing associated with respiratory conditions such as smoker's cough. Marsh Mallow may also have mild anti-infective, immune-boosting, and diuretic properties.*

Blessed Thistle
Blessed Thistle has been used in traditional medicine as far back as the early sixteenth century as an astringent, blood purifier, choleretic (bile flow stimulant), diaphoretic (sweat stimulant), digestion enhancement, diuretic, expectorant, fever reducer, memory improver, menstrual flow stimulant, and salivation stimulant. Blessed Thistle has been used for smallpox, malaria, fever, anorexia, dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, and flatulence. More recently, it has shown to be useful for indigestion and heartburn. In herbal medicine, Blessed Thistle is used for cancer, infections, inflammation, gallbladder disease, jaundice, liver disorders, cervical dysplasia, heart ailments, skin ulcers, yeast infections, and diarrhea.*

Papaya is rich in antioxidants, B vitamins, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium, magnesium, and fiber. Together, these nutrients promote the health of the cardiovascular system and provide protection against colon cancer. In addition, papaya contains the digestive enzyme papain, which is used to treat sports injuries, other causes of trauma, and allergies. Papaya may also help prevent such illnesses as recurrent ear infections, colds, and flu.*

Chinese Medicine recommends ginger to treat a number of health problems, including abdominal bloating, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and rheumatism. Ginger is also used in the Ayurvedic and Tibetan systems of medicine for the treatment of inflammatory joint diseases such as arthritis, rheumatism, and a variety of other conditions. Ginger may also ease sore throats, headaches, ulcerative colitis, some types of menstrual and arthritis pain, and fevers and aches caused by colds and flu.*

This bittersweet herb acts medicinally as a tonic, anodyne, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-allergenic, and sedative. Chamomile tea can be used to treat digestive disturbances, gastrointestinal spasms, inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract, coughs and colds, fevers, and bronchitis. Chamomile's mildly sedating and muscle-relaxing effects can help those who suffer from insomnia fall asleep more easily. It may also be useful in the treatment of diverticular disorders and inflammatory bowel conditions such as Crohn's disease.*

Today, Myrrh is used in some mouthwashes and sore throat medicines. Myrrh has been approved in Germany for treating mouth inflammation. Undiluted myrrh tincture can also be applied directly to sores inside the mouth. Occasionally, diluted myrrh tincture is used as a wash for hemorrhoids or as a douche to relieve vaginal irritation.*
Just 4–8 ounces of IasoTea 2 or 3 times a day can provide you with dramatic weight loss..

Price: $39.95
Formulated by Dr. Miller, this delicious 100% organic herbal tea removes toxins and improves the function of your kidneys, liver, and colon — safely and naturally.

Some want to call it a "miracle tea", but this cleansing and slimming tea is really just a special blend of high-quality herbs, tested and refined over time, which produce fast and effective results that no imitator has been able to copy

Amazing Health Benefits of Iaso Tea:-
By simple drinking a pleasant tasting cup of tea twice a day, you may experience help in the areas of:

• Weight Loss
• Constipation

• Indigestion

• Acid Reflux

• Bloating

• Increased Energy

• Lowering Cholesterol

• Lowering Blood Pressure

• Detoxifying Worms, Parasited, & Yeast

• Cleansing Your Lungs & Liver

• Getting Nicotine Out of Your Body

• Flattening Your Stomach

You'll feel lighter, have more energy & most of all, you will have less waste in your body! So don't wait another minute to buy your iaso tea. You'll be glad you got it and will see the results you've been wanting

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